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12 Effects of the Fast-Growing AI – Bad and Good

Imagine a world where humans are dominated by AI in every field that humans can, and AI can do even better. In that world disease diagnoses, teaching, driving, writing and complex work are done by AI in no time with less effort and resource usage. Imagine a world where AI suggests to us how to solve the most critical challenges that we humans face today like climate change, pollution, pandemics, poverty and economic crises.

But also, imagine a world where we experience the dark side of AI. A world where AI imposes serious social, ethical and security threats. AI can affect our rights and values. This imagined world you imagine is not a distant future yet to come but it is already here. Explore with me the effects of the fast-growing AI on our society, environment and economy. Also, learn how to use AI to solve the challenges that are threatening to us and take benefit from AI.

“The rise of powerful AI will be either the best or the worst thing ever to happen to humanity. We do not yet know which.”

Stephen Hawking

AI is constantly growing at a very fast rate, transforming and advancing technology rapidly. AI is revolutionizing different industries globally. AI is a computer system developed by humans that can think like a human and have human-like skills that it can implement to understand and solve different tasks easily. In this decade, AI has grown exponentially, and it is projected that AI will take over almost every human work by 2030.

“80% of business and technology leaders believe that AI will fundamentally transform their industry within three years.”


The market research firm IDC projected that the global AI market will reach a size of over half a trillion U.S. dollars by 2024. Precedence research suggests the market will grow to over 1.5 trillion U.S. dollars by 2030.

AI and its effects

Positive effects of AI

Improved healthcare and disease diagnosis

AI in Healthcare

With the increasing population, the healthcare sector could be affected. Without providing proper treatment and a scarcity of facilities disease diagnosis and treatment could be a major threat. With more and more pandemics and lesser and lesser resources, it would be impossible to provide equal treatments and medical attention to patients around the world.

AI, in this field, can be helpful and could remove the shortage of resources for most people. AI will reduce the time of diagnosis and can analyze large amounts of medical data in less or no time. With the advancement in technology, it could be used to even treat diseases like cancer, diabetes and degenerative diseases. AI can also tell and predict diseases early enough that the disease can be removed completely before being used to even treat diseases like cancer, diabetes and degenerative diseases. AI can also tell and predict diseases early enough in a stage that the disease can be removed before becoming violent and untreatable.

Enhanced business operations

AI in Business

AI, as we know, can analyze large amounts of data. This data can be interpreted by a human, but it could take months and years (depending on the task) for humans to completely analyze the data. AI on the other hand can take just a few minutes or even less to analyze bulks of data. It can improve even more with the increasing advancements in technology.

When these time-consuming tasks are done by AI, the employees get more time, and they can use this time to solve more critical tasks for the business. Businesses can use AI-built-in machines to automate their tasks, operations and business.

Enhanced customer experience

AI can be used by companies and businesses to automate their customer support. We nowadays see more and more chatbots and voice bots online than ever before. This reduces the time of contact and response between a company and its potential client.

Moreover, AI can be personalized accordingly for different tasks. AI is a one-time investment, and it can reduce the company or business’s expenses and increase its budget. AI bots are loyal, and they can respond to customers politely and help them by using all the company’s information.

Increased productivity

AI in Productivity

AI can work 24/7, looking and maintaining a proper sustainable environment around you If you use AI machines. AI can scan and diagnose downtime in your system and predict it early or quickly so that you don’t lose any profits. With the integration of AI in business productivity has increased. AI can be your proper assistance in your day-to-day routine and can help you anywhere, everywhere, anytime. AI can suggest a proper policy for your business and follow it which leads to increased productivity.

Negative effects of AI

Job loss

When AI takes over important positions in various industries, automatically jobs will be reduced. AI will replace humans and can do much better with problems solving and critical-thinking skills. AI can analyze data much quicker which will remove jobs of data analyzing and data entry. AI is used everywhere online to respond to customers in real-time. AI is helpful but it will reduce job opportunities and poverty will increase.

Cybersecurity risks

AI in Cybersecurity

AI is so powerful that it can detect malicious software in systems on a large scale and hence can protect data effectively. But AI can also be used or manipulated easily to steal and leak data. This can lead to financial losses and companies and businesses may shut down. The economy will break, and different crises will be born.

Ethical concerns

AI is used in devices that are so small that we cannot see them with our naked eye. These devices can record and store data. This data can be recorded as we know it. This may raise privacy concerns.

AI is a trained program and can be used analytically to gather information. But when asked about specific topics AI can be biased. AI can lean towards some groups based on data and information. This may lead to discrimination.

Lack of human interaction

Human and AI

When we use AI to revolutionize and digitalize our company or business, we reduce human interactions. AI can do better than humans in most of the industries and hence jobs are removed. This causes less and less human interactions and as a result, empathy is reduced. Emotional intelligence is something that could hit us badly with job loss and no human interactions.

Impact of AI on Society

AI and education

AI in Education

AI no doubt is a powerful tool that can help people in the education field. AI can help us with reducing today’s challenges such as innovation in teaching, reinventing new learning practices, and speeding up academic progress.

AI devices can be installed in schools and other educational institutions to help students and teachers to improve the educational system. AI can present personalized learning tips and improve the educational environment to promote educational growth. AI can help students with complex tasks. This will lift the burden on a single teacher. AI can provide improved teaching skills to teachers based on students’ feedback.

AI and the economy

If AI machines are used in the economy, it could lead to significant economic growth and development. AI can reduce daily costs by automating routine tasks. AI can analyze large amounts of data in a very short time. This reduces costs and hence more and more economic growth can be expected.

Also, due to job losses, the economy is crashing if the use of AI and humans is not balanced. Human interaction is also necessary which the world will lack if AI is integrated extensively.

AI and privacy

Privacy Concerns and AI

AI is increasingly used by businesses and other industries. AI is growing fast, and it is used more in medical sciences than in any other field. AI machines are used worldwide to collect data, analyze it and use it across the world to solve problems. AI uses this data to train themselves and learn more about us and the world.

AI is built on data, the data that is ours. With the passage of time, AI is learning more about the world and storing our data. Large businesses use AI in vast amounts that our single query is stored and shared across the web to train AI. This way AI becomes more mature and develops the ability to respond and help us more humanly.

AI can be used to protect user data from breaches and hence protect our privacy. AI uses data to diagnose and treat diseases. AI uses data to show personalized recommendations on the web and solve problems quicker. All this data is helpful in this way that AI is getting mature and is getting more useful to us. AI can help us with threats that are about to come by either predicting them earlier or terminating them.

With AI becoming more useful, data leakage could be our biggest threat. Most people prefer privacy over better AI models and AI customer support. With this much of our data being used to train AI without people’s consent could raise the risk of privacy infringement and it is happening we are not aware of yet.

AI and the environment

The world is facing a serious issue of climate change. Climate change is the biggest threat to our world and if we do not do anything to save our climate then we humans will end.

AI and the Environment

With the growing populations of humans and increasing pollution, greenhouse effect, and CO2 emission due to our doing, all other life forms on earth are in danger. Excessive industrialization caused climate change. With the integration of AI with industries CO2 emissions can be reduced. This will lower the greenhouse effect and the climate will get some relief.

AI can be used to generate green energy, which simply refers to carbon-free energy. Devices with AI integration can use only green energy to do work and stop working when unclean energy is provided. This will create an environment where green energy becomes mandatory to produce.

AI can be used with solar panels to generate more solar energy. This will increase the efficiency of the system. AI can be used to save wildlife from illegal killing. Every species of this world plays a part in maintaining a good and fresh environment. If we disturb the balance of the environment by killing other species without need then the environment will disturb us.

Government and other departments should also use AI to stop forest destruction. We should also use AI in large buildings where air conditioners, light bulbs, and other electrical devices have been used extensively to conserve energy. We can save about 10-40% of energy by using AI in our houses and other buildings. We should also implement the usage of AI in building large buildings to reduce the usage of CO2 concrete and the emission of CO2.

Future of AI

AI future looks promising as in 2021, according to Statista, global investment in AI reached a record of 95 billion dollars (about $290 per person in the US). The neural use of AI raised most of the interest in AI. Neural use of AI means that the AI works just like the human brain. It can be used within humans or other electronic devices. This field will grow even more in the future.

AI in the Future

AI is used in every department nowadays, like in customer services, media publishing, etc. People have become more familiar with AI and want to use more AI instead of doing things themselves or hiring other people. AI has the potential to revolutionize today’s world in the upcoming years. AI could be a convenience to us and could lead to better efficiency.

AI also has several risks that we have discussed above. Privacy issues, ethical concerns, etc. AI could replace humans in the future. To avoid that we must balance the use of AI by providing AI complex work to do that could take months to complete. Humans should be given more team lead work and policy making.

Nonetheless, AI is growing fast with the advancement of technology. AI will change the world in a good way if managed properly. AI has a bright future ahead.


AI is a software developed by humans that has both positive and negative effects on us. AI integration could lead to more efficiency and quick work. AI can help us in many ways, by reducing pollution, conserving energy and producing green energy. AI can also impose important side effects like lesser human interaction, empathy, and emotions. Job loss and privacy concerns, all of this could lead to a situation where we might feel the need to ban the use of AI. To stop this from happening a balanced use of humans and AI could prove effective. This way innovation does not stop, and people will benefit from the growing demand for AI.


What is the impact of AI on society?

The effects of AI on society could be Educational, Economical, and Public Privacy and impacts on the environment. The effects of AI on society could be

What is the future of AI?

Based on the current situation and data, the future of AI is promising. With the advancement of technology, new applications can be created with the help of AI. AI can replace many human jobs and AI can be beneficial to mankind. But there will always be challenges and threats of AI to humans.

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