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Best Government Schools in Islamabad

This article is only about the best government schools in Islamabad, Pakistan. The list of schools given below is based on the student’s choice of selection, personal experience, and reviews. So, don’t consider it as a perfect article about the best government schools in Islamabad- the capital of Pakistan. And I really don’t think that the reviews and remarks given by the students are 100% legit because a student who reads in that particular school must go with his school.

The main purpose of this article is to provide data to people who search on the internet for the best schools in Islamabad. This mainly focuses on the number of students studying in that school. This also includes x- students too.

How we got this data? We used Facebook groups to get student’s remarks on that school. A Facebook group named ‘’Twin City Students’’, which means the students of both cities, Rawalpindi and Islamabad. We arranged a number of different polls and posts about schools not only the government but also the private schools. But today we are providing you only the public school’s information.

I am also a member of that group and I did contact the admin, and after a long discussion going on, we came to a decision and I am very happy with the admin. He helped me a lot and he is a very kind man. He allowed me to discuss with other members and with the permission of other members we are sharing this information with you. Doing a long time polls we collected the data and according to this data the following schools are numbered as best public/Gov. schools.

Before that, we will discuss a little about Islamabad. If you don’t want to read you can skip to the detailed list below.


ISLAMABAD, the capital city of Pakistan where most of the decisions are taken. It is the second most beautiful capital in the world. Islamabad has its own unique combination of beauty, it has valleys of lows and mountains of highs. Lush, green and valleys and mountains in spring make it look marvelous. And in the winter the tops of Margala Hills are covered with snow hats.

The design of this city is world-class, each sector with greenery and perfect roads. Islamabad provides better facilities and support but does it provides better education to the nation’s future, YES, Islamabad has some best schools mentioned below.

The educational institute has both school and college-level education; therefore, the institutes have given names on the basis of both schools and college. Moreover, the government sector doesn’t provide co-education.


For Boys – Best Institutes of Education

IMCB G-10/4

The full form of IMCB is Islamabad Model College for Boys. The numerical values indicate the sector in which the school/college is situated, in this case, G-10/4 means, sector 4 of G-10 Area. This building was established back in the ’90s. Since the ’90s this institute is serving the people of Islamabad and Rawalpindi. It has pre-medical and pre-engineering faculties.

Many students have facilitated by the institute. An institute gains reputation when the head of the institute and the staff work hard and work properly with clear minds, and together. As time passed new opportunities and activities were introduced. Free tuition and academic activities made the students get higher scores in annual tests.

The golden era of IMCB G-10/4 was from the year 2005 to 2011 when no other institute was able to provide such facilities to students. This is placed in number 01 because of higher votes in Facebook polls. The Facebook votes are given at the end.

IMCB I-10/1

IMCB I-10/1 is a direct competitor to IMCB G-10/4. I am not saying on the basis of votes it got but the achievement of the students. There were two students in the Top 10 list 2019. It has a unique building and an interesting interior. The major con is it does not facilitate in sports. It has pre-medical and pre-engineering faculties.

And a main fact behind the success is that the head of the 2005 to 20011 era of IMCB G-10/4 is now the head of this institute. I think the head is now changed to IMCB I-8/4. So, you can consider this college on the list too. Its position as number 02 is due to the votes it has got.

ICB G-6/3

It is one of the oldest institutes after the making of the capital, Islamabad. In the 90’s it was the best institute. But as time passes the downgrade is elevates. Actually, most of my relatives completed their studies at this institute. The reason is that it is best, all in one, it provides various sports facilities, tournaments with other institutes. It has pre-medical, pre-engineering, and humanities faculties. And also it is up to the bachelor’s level. The classes start from Playgroup up to Bachelors. That’s impressive.

IMCB F-8/4

The most unique and newly made institutes have lit up many students. It is architecture is matched with the world’s latest maps for building institutes. The most unique thing about this institute is that it has a different kind of greenery, surrounding the college and I side the college. It’s like being in a park when you enter this college.

The main faculties it provides is Pre-Medical and Pre- Engineering. It has limited sports as it is a green area. Students are not allowed to play cricket and football- the main two sports. Specific grounds are made for other sports.

IMCB 1-10/1

This institute is located in street no. 17 whereas the above Institute is located in street no. 18. I have studied for three years in this college but to be honest, this college didn’t work for me as I compare it with my intermediate college. But it has its own value. I also voted for this college, as it was the only college listed and suggested by our friends.

It has pre-medical and pre-engineering faculties. Recently the college has announced the system reboot, which means high-quality education, better sports, and co-curricular activities. I have seen a change in the sports site because the institute is developing new grounds and it was two months before the pandemic.

IMCB H-8/4

If someone asks me to choose the best college on the basis of providing better sports activities, I will choose to choose IMCB H-8/4. The ground is like they are made for international tournaments. I got surprised when I saw the grounds. Not only that, there is a management of all of this which schedules the matches and tours to other cities and all of that. It is a Commerce College. It doesn’t provide primary education. It was built in the 80’s, the oldest one of all.

For Girls – Best Institutes of Education

In Pakistan girls also get the education as the boys get. In recent times the work on building more schools and colleges for girls has been aggravated. Now girls can get more quality education.

IMCG F-7/2

The highest-rated girl’s college is this college. IMCG is written as Islamabad Model College for Girls. The most beautiful college ever built in a very beautiful, clean and green, and peaceful area. It has all major faculties such as Pre-Medical, Pre-Engineering, and Humanities group. It has better sports opportunities and other co-curricular activities. It was also noticed that despite having a shortage of laborers this institute has the best transport system.

Three students from this college have got onto the top 10 students for the year 2019. The classes range from Playgroup to Master’s level. But recently Master’s has been cut out from the college.

ICG G-6/3

In the year 2019 three of the positions in the top 10 were of this college. It has the same things as F-7/2 College has but this institute mainly focuses on one thing and that is Science projects. There were 23 science projects held by the work of two colleges, ICG G-6/3 and OPF College. It was started in the year 2011. This also led other colleges to come and participate in this contest and aggravated new thoughts to invent new things.

IMCG 1-10/4

Within 3 years this college has proofed that there is nothing that cannot be achieved. With leading the scoreboards consecutively for the last year. Also, the student pass average has increased by 9.3% and the new average is 81.6%. This college provides creative studies.

Every weak there is a winner who is rewarded some title and prizes. The title is available only for 9 days. It is an interesting activity and there is no compromise on this. Also, every student is forced to get participated in the contest. Pre- Medical and Pre- Engineering are the Faculties provided.

IMCG F-7/4

Every college is recognized because of its performance or if the institute does something unique which brings reward. The first college to initiate girls’ sports team in which the team will make tours to other girl’s colleges and participate in different sports. A separate teacher is hired to train the students.

This college has got two positions in the top 10 list. The average student score percentage is 63.7%. And the average student passing percentage is 57.8%.

IMCG I-8/4

This college is placed in number 05 because it has jumped from a higher position to a lower one in the Federal board’s top institutes list of the decade. (2010-2020) and it also got lower votes as compared to the others. It has got a strict method of tests and quality education.

The strictest rules are made by this college and most of the students don’t get admissions due to this strictness. The average passing student’s percentage is 57.1%. It has got only 01 positions in the top 10 students list.

Facebook Polling

Note: The number of girls on Facebook is less than boys, that’s why we divided the above section into girls and boys and this section is also divided into two i.e., boys and girls.

Boy’s poll voting’s

  1. IMCB G-10/4 ——-2167 votes
  2. IMCB I- 10/1. ——-1931 votes
  3. ICB G-6/3 ——-1852 votes
  4. IMCB st no. 17 I-10/1 ——–1496 votes
  5. IMCB H-8/4 ——-1178 votes
  6. IMCB F-8/4 ——-803 votes

Girl’s poll voting’s

  1. IMCG I-10/4. —–563 votes
  2. ICG G-6/3. ——396 votes
  3. IMCG I-8/4. ——374 votes
  4. IMCG F-7/4. ——316 votes
  5. IMCG F-7/2. —–307 votes

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