
Unveiling the Dark Symphony: The Hidden Threats of Music on Our Health

Listening to music is always a threat to our health.

We listen to music, to calm ourselves, to overcome depression, to change our mood, during exercise, and almost every work and part of our life. But it has its downfalls as it has its side effects. Some of the causes that should be considered worrying are; the increase of dopamine, hearing loss, Tinnitus, anger, etc.

We, almost everyone, wear headphones, earphones, or earbuds to listen to music. It increases the threat level of music even more.

Some of the reasons, why we should avoid listening to music (bad or violent) or at least lower the listening, are discussed below.

Dopamine Increase Due to Music

Dopamine is a neurosecretory hormone released by the hypothalamus of our brain. One of the widely known functions of dopamine is “Mood” or “Behaviour” control. It controls how we behave and act to certain environmental changes and different events.

How dopamine is dangerous to our health? Listening to music in loud volume can increase the amount of dopamine secretion. We know that there is a natural balance of everything and breaking the balance could hit back very hard. Dopamine secretion is a good thing until its secretion is disturbed.

Function of Dopamine

Dopamine compels you to do whatever you want to do. When you hear your phone ringing, your brain responds with a dopamine shot. It compels you to check the phone.

Dangers of Music

Why should lower the amount of music we listen to?

1) Some music makes you move your body parts. It doesn’t happen naturally because when you are not listening to music you don’t normally move your body parts. Music frequency generates a special type of shock in the body that makes you move. As there is a natural rule that “anything that causes changes in the body (not naturally) is harmful to the being(body)”.

2) Neurosis is a type of condition that happens due to listening to music constantly.

3) Selfishness is another risk. Listening to music increases dopamine secretion which is related to mood and can make you selfish.

4) According to research at “Cardiff metropolitan university” music reduces the ability to learn new skills.
Two groups of students were used to test it. One of the groups was given the freedom to listen to music during studies while the other group was prohibited to listen to music. At the end of the year, the group which was prohibited to listen to music was found to perform 60% more than the other group.

5) Listening to music is constantly changing our brains. We can’t see it ourselves but modern CT scanners can monitor the changes.

Headphones/Earphones Effect on Ears

Putting headphones and earphones in the ears has always been risky. These things can make you lose your hearing. Earphones are much more threatening than headphones. Every earphone package includes the disclaimer that using earphones for a longer time in addition to higher volume could increase the bacteria in the ears about 700 times. Other causes of earphones include Tinnitus.

Due to loud sounds, the ear’s inner cells are damaged. If you are exposed to more than 85 decibels it will damage your ear cells. The grinder or mixer in the kitchen has a noise of 85 decibels. Headphones at 60% volume have 75 to 80 decibels of loudness. If you listen to music at 100% volume would have around 110-120 decibel loudness.

Why should you stop using earphones or at least use them minimum?

As our ear cells do not regenerate, so we should take proper safety measures to prevent hearing loss.

Following are some safety measures.

1) Use Headphones instead of earphones/buds

Generally, all earphones are considered headphones but these are not. Earphones are put into the ear. They come close to our eardrum. These have 8-10 decibels more loudness than headphones.

2) Use soft-tip earphones instead of hard ones

Earphones are much cheaper than headphones, so everyone uses earphones. But if you want safety then go for the soft tip one. Soft tip will block the external noise and at a lower volume, you will be able to hear the sound.

3) Use noise-cancellation headphones

If you can afford to buy noise-cancellation headphones. Headphones are the best than earphones.

4) Use special stereo effects

If you have an equalizer in your device then take full advantage of it by getting the best stereo effects.

5) Put the earphones in the right ear

Earphones have marked left and right sides. Put the left one in the left and the right one in the right ear.

6) If you are alone then use speakers instead of earphones or headphones.

7) Follow the 60/60 rule

You should limit t volume of your device to 60% and use earphones for only 60 minutes a day.

8) If you have a child then set the limit of volume direct from your phones to avoid hearing complications.

9) Don’t sleep wearing earphones/headphones at night. It is too risky. Set up a timer to automatically turn off the music.

Bottom Line

Try to avoid listening to music or at least lower the exposure to music and loudness lower as much as possible. This is just a small case study there are many information and articles related to music and hearing loss available on the internet today, so do some research and save your life and your loved ones.

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